Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Epic of Beowulf Essays -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

Beowulf’s Three Fights In the epic poem Beowulf, the character Beowulf is seen to have three battles. The first battle is against Grendel, the second is against Grendel’s mum, and the final battle is against the dragon. In each of these battles Beowulf is portrayed as a great hero (well he should be since it’s a characteristic of an epic poem to glorify the hero) and is always seen to be brave and fearless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first battle he fights is versus Grendel. It takes place in Hrothgar’s Hall of the Hart where Grendel has been plaguing them for twelve years. Beowulf comes because he is told by people from Geatland to help the Scyldings. To get ready for the battle the hero takes off all his armor and sets aside all of his weapons. He plans to beat the demon grim in a fair fight. The coil of sin doesn’t use any weapons besides those that are of his body and wears no armor but the enchantment, which repels attacks from weapons. So the hero is all ready for Grendel and everyone goes to sleep, though Beowulf does not. Grendel bursts into the hall and savagely kills a thane while Beowulf watches and sees how the monster works. The evil spirit then comes to kill the great thane but Beowulf grabs the fiendish demon’s wrist with the strength of thirty men. Grendel tries to flee but Beowulf holds on and continues to apply pressure to Grendel’s arm. Beowul f then tears the stealthy demon’s arm off and Grendel runs away. He flees to his cave where he is later fou...

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