Saturday, May 16, 2020

Can Democracy And Islam Go Together - 2560 Words

Abigail Adler Professor Luders Fundamentals of Political Science Final Research Essay Can Democracy and Islam Go Together? The implication that the principles of Islam clash with the principles of democracy is very apparent in the Western world, especially after the Jihadist terrorist attacks that took place on September 1st, 2001. Americans tend to view Islam as a violent, savage religion that cannot go along with democratic values. Because Islam is related to terrorism and much of the Arab world is non-democratic, it seems like Islam is the reason. Is this view of Islam accurate, or is it distorted? Some argue that Islam places political power in the hands of God, so when it comes down to it, Islam must be represented in a totalitarian regime. Others argue that in reality, the Islam is not antidemocratic; rather, historical and economic factors are the reason behind the lack of democratic regimes in the Arab world. Accordingly, proponents of this view suggest that it really depends on how the Islamic text is interpreted. By contrast, I suggest t hat the text is not the important factor; what really matters are Muslims opinions of democracy. Through the analysis of secondary sources and public opinion surveys, I argue that Islam is not the main obstacle that hinders the Arab world from democratization. Contrary to popular belief among Americans, a large percentage of Muslims around the world actually support democracy. Pew Research CenterShow MoreRelatedDemocracy And The Struggles Of The West903 Words   |  4 Pagesever thought about the list of components that go into a good essay? In fact a good essay addresses the main point and tells the reader what he or she will discuss and where they are going with it. An essay will also state the main ideas clearly. As writers we tend to sometimes use or leave out these important factors. 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